ICE4CT 2024 (Fourth edition) invites full length original research contributions from science, engineering professionals from industries, R&D organisations, academic institutions, government departments and research scholars from across the world. Full length original research contributions and review articles shall be prepared in the single column IOP format.
The manuscript template shall be found as below:
Word Template Guidelines (New)
IOP Manuscript Template in Word (New)
Manuscript Template in LaTeX (New)
All manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series will undergo the regular peer review process involving at least two reviewers, and the editors will make the final decision on the acceptance of the manuscripts. At the same time, the similarity index of the manuscript should not exceed 24 %.
All authors must follow the IOP journal guidelines when formatting their papers. These are available here:
The publisher's license is available to read here:
**Please take note that the paper submission is strictly limited to TWO papers from the same authors including main and co-authors.
Instruction for Presentation
The length of a presentation is strictly limited to 20 minutes, where 15 minutes are planned for an ordinary presentation and 5 minutes for the following discussion of the presentation.